Customer Care

At Love&S, your opinion and your experience matter the most to us! If you have any questions regarding any products or the shipping process, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you’re not sure which products to buy or need any styling suggestions from us, you can send us an email or contact us through the web form below as well. 

You can contact us through our email or use the following web contact form to leave your questions. We would process your questions whenever the earliest customer service agent is available.

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for you to check. Feel free to take your time and check those FAQs first before you spend your precise time reaching out and waiting for our response. Hope these FAQs are helpful to you! 

Contact form

FAQ - Orders

Does Love&S take orders from every country in the world?

Even though Love&S is a Canadian company, we take orders from a wide range of countries and ship your favourite products directly to your home.

Up to now, we’ve proudly and happily served numerous customers in Canada, the US, New Zealand, Australia, The UK and Europe. Orders have been placed from Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Waterloo, Boston, Ottawa, Winnipeg, PEI, Halifax, London, Michigan, Paris, New York, Los Angelos, San Fransisco, San Diego, Sidney, Melbourne, etc. 

Do I have to have an account to place my order from Love&S?

As our dear customer, you have the option to either register with us to have the order status checked or place the order directly without registering an account. However, if you choose not to have an account with us, please make sure you’ve provided a valid email address so that your order status can be updated. 

Do I have to enter my credit card information to pay for my orders?

You can enter your credit card information on the payment page without any worry. As an online E-commerce store, we take all of our customer’s personal information security seriously. If you would like to choose another method to pay, you can pay through your PayPal account. 

Why I didn’t receive the order confirmation or shipping email?

The email might be in your junk email folder. Depending on the email address you provide, some mail servers might label it as not-identified and move it to the junk mail folder. Thus, we recommend you check your junk mail folder if you didn’t receive your order confirmation email from us. 

How can I cancel my order?

Once your order is placed and processed, you cannot cancel or change your order. However, if you placed a second order before your first order was processed and shipped, you can contact us to see if these two orders can be shipped in one package to save some packaging materials and do the mother planet a favour. 

What if the product I received is defective? Can I return or exchange it?

At Love&S, we are trying our best to make sure every placed order is delivered with high-quality products. If on the rare occasion that you’ve received any defective products, please film a video indicating the problems of the products when you first RECEIVED the packages and send it to our email. Also, please make sure that the defects are not caused by the improper washing method as well.

After the customer care team receive your request, we will move on to the inspection process with you through email. 

FAQ - Shipping & Return

What is your shipping policy?

At Love&S, you can enjoy free shipping on us if the total amount of your order is over $100. If you choose to pay your own shipping fee, it will be $30 for each order. Thus, shop all the styles you want to try on, and have the shipping fee on us!

Which countries do you ship to?

Love&S takes orders from a wide range of countries and ships your favourite products directly to your home no matter it’s in Canada, the US, Zealand, Australia, The UK or Europe.

Up to now, we’ve proudly and happily served numerous customers from Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Waterloo, Boston, Ottawa, Winnipeg, PEI, Halifax, London, Michigan, Paris, New York, Los Angelos, San Fransisco, San Diego, Sidney, Melbourne, etc. 

How about discreet shipping?

Love&S’s packages look just like a normal package from Amazon or any other online store. On your package, no product information will be shown. Only your name and address that is necessary for delivery purposes. 

What do you mean by Minimal Packaging?

At Love&S, we are taking the climate change factor into consideration when it comes to packaging. We understand how over-packaging can create numerous materials and hurt the environment.

Thus, the individual packing we used for each package is paper-based with a reusable seal that you can use for storage purposes in your daily life. We also packed the package tightly into a small box so that you won’t pay for the empty room in the box. This saves you a lot of money in additional packaging as well! That’s a win-win! 

How can I track my order?

After the order is processed, the tracking number of your order will be sent to your email. If you have an account with us, you can check your orders anytime through your account. If you choose not to have an account with us, you can check the order number from the email that we sent to you.  

What is your return or exchange policy?

Due to hygiene reasons, we want to make sure all the Love&S customers receive new products and can enjoy them without worrying they are being used. Thus, products in the following categories are not returnable.

Products that cannot be returned:

Tights and Stockings,
Role Play Costumes,
Gloves and other accessories